Saturday, February 21, 2009

Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson


Where does it lie? In a face? A voice? A bundled string of events we call a lifetime? Is it in our DNA, bone, flesh, ancestry? How do we define our identity, and is it a once and for all definition? Or is it always changing?

Who am I? Can anyone ever know for sure just what it takes to be who we are?

We all search for our place in this world and how we fit in, but for Jenna Fox that search reaches dark new dimensions when she wakes from a coma and can’t remember who she is. Worse, she doesn’t remember the people who claim to be her parents. There is something curious about them, about the house they all live in--in fact, curious describes her whole life, as she attempts to unlock the secrets of who she was, and who she has become.

The Adoration of Jenna Fox is about Jenna’s search for identity, a quest as old as history, but as startling as the future.

The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson looks like an interesting view of medical ethics and how technology can change our lives. I think that would make an excellent book club discussion!

Check out Heather's review on Book Addiction, including links to other reviews.

Published: April, 2008
Pages: 272
Author's website:

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